Sunday, June 12, 2011

Paperless Business Cards? Another coexistence era has arrived!!

Hello again!!

I just read a few minutes ago the following article in The New York Times:

Paperless Business Cards. The ultimate use of technology. Is this the end of the paper business cards era? I don't think so. I think that we will enter to another hybrid era, where paperless and paper business card will coexist together. The same exact thing that happened with books and E-books.

As it is stated in the article paper business cards are not losing market, a FedEx spokeswoman had said that they are experimenting a steady growth ( It seems that business card are not just a simple way to give your primary information fast and easy. They also are a way of show or recognize that you are already employed. You are part of a institution or an enterprise. It is a matter of pride. So, sharing your information through an application such as is not the same. It is more practical and effective, but it doesn't have the same impact.

Concluding, as I stated in the beginning, I think that we will have to be able to coexist and use both tools. This is our era. The era on which new technology and tradition have to coexist. Future generations will be more lucky and, as our grandfathers, they will enjoy a simple era. 

Have a great Sunday afternoon!!

P.S. Let's go MAVS!!! Let's go riDIRKulous!! (

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